Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Thoughts...

I am thinking…

Ever had a smile break on your face and you have no idea where it’s coming from? You are sitting there and all of a sudden you feel you are smiling, everything just seem so clear and ok. You mind is clear and for that little moment in life you are taken to a place where there are no worries and problems. Makes you want to get lost in that world and never come back. And then it’s over you are back. You are aware of all the things around you, and that smile is gone, until the day the smile comes back again.

Monday, June 11, 2012

My Thoughts...

I am thinking…

I am in love. My heart is skipping beats every time I think of you; I have a permanent smile on my face which instantly turns into a grin at the mere mention of your name. I feel safe when you embrace me, I like the feel of your skin and I can’t help not touching you. You kissed me today, our first kiss; I am still having little electric shocks just by thinking about it. It was perfect. Just as I imagined it would be, the perfect kiss. I felt so lonely when you left, I already miss you and five days already seem like a long time away. I know I am not supposed to wear my heart on my sleeve but with you I’ll gladly wear it on both sleeves. I am willing to make a fool for love and I am not scared anymore. I am willing to try. I call you DJ. I am falling in love again and I love it.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Thoughts...

I am thinking…

Chivalry is dead. What happened to the days when men where gentleman and women where ladies? What happened to men opening the door for your women or pulling out her chair? What happened to women putting a note in your man’s lunchbox or his jacket telling him he is loved? The little note that would make him smile in the middle of a tedious meeting coz he knew his woman is waiting back home? What happened to holding hands when you take a stroll in the park, gazing lovingly in your partner’s eyes and they read that they are safe and they have everything they ever need with you? What happened to a kiss on the forehead to reassure us that you are there for us?

What happened to dancing in the moonlight with Gerald Levert playing in the background? What happened to romance? What happened to love?